2023 Maryland Legislative Update

May 31, 2023

This legislative session felt like the Annapolis that we all knew before the pandemic with in-person hearings, folks roaming the halls and students visiting the state house for class trips. Excitement was in the air with the inauguration of a new Governor and the beginning of a new term for the legislature. The live streaming is now here to stay for all floor sessions, committee hearings, subcommittee sessions, and voting sessions.


DC LEGISLATIVE ALERT: Changes to Condominium Act Warranty Provisions

January 25, 2023

Recently, the DC Council adopted amendments to the DC Condominium Act to revise the construction defect warranty provisions, along with the process for filing claims against the warranty bond required to be posted with the District of Columbia’s government to secure a condominium declarant’s warranty obligations.  Attorneys from Rees Broome were instrumental in the drafting and negotiating of the final version of the related Bill.  The Bill has been


June 2022 – MD Legislative Update

June 1, 2022
This legislative session was certainly a hybrid to say the least. Both chambers met in person. The Senate held their committee and voting hearings in person while most of the House was virtual via Zoom. Everything was livestreamed via YouTube so you can go back any watch the hearing for any of the bills if you like. Sine Die (the last day of session) had a familiar feel of celebration and jubilee. The following bills passed the Maryland General Assembly in the 2022 session and are on Governor Hogan’s desk for signature. The laws will become effective (unless otherwise indicated) on October 1, 2022. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Fairfax County to Impose Finesfor Running Bamboo

March 31, 2022

After holding a public hearing in February, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved amendments to the County Code at its meeting on March 22, 2022, that will require property owners to prevent running bamboo from spreading onto another’s property and to take steps to eradicate the bamboo if it encroaches onto another owner’s property.  This new law authorizes the County to impose civil penalties ranging from $50.00 to $200.00 per day for violations.