Todd A. Sinkins Inducted to the College of Community Associations Attorneys

October 22, 2020
Rees Broome, PC is proud to announce that Todd A. Sinkins a Shareholder with the firm, was inducted to the CAI’s prestigious College of Community Association Lawyers (CCAL). College of Community Association Lawyers members are lawyers who have demonstrated skill, experience, and high standards of professional and ethical conduct and are dedicated to excellence in the specialized practice of community association law.

Virginia Law for Common Interest Community Managers - Nov. 12, 2020

Rees Broome, PC is proud to announce that it is approved by the Virginia Common Interest Community Board (CICB) to teach a CICB-approved training program that will satisfy 2.0 contact hours of Virginia Law training for management principals and supervisors pursuant
to 18 VAC 48-50-100

As such, Rees Broome is pleased to host the following CICB-approved training program:

October 2020 - Community Associations Newsletter

October 1, 2020
Neighbor to neighbor disputes seem to be at an all-time high right now.  Many times, the neighbors are trying to bring the Association in to these battles.  In order to best utilize the Association’s assets, Boards and managers must recognize when it is appropriate for the Association to engage, and when to stay out of the conflict.
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Maryland Adopts Salary History Ban and Wage Transparency Law

September 16, 2020
Effective October 1, 2020, Maryland employees have more power in salary negotiations with employers.  House Bill 123 amends certain provisions of Maryland’s Equal Pay for Equal Work Law.  HB123 requires that employers provide a wage range for a position upon request of the applicant and it also creates a salary history ban.  HB14 protects employees from retaliation for asking about their own wages.  Prior to the amendment, the law only protected employees from asking about co-worker wages.